
Our specialist team understands how to attain precisely what you require to protect your vehicle and to suit your needs. With a wealth of experience in Land Rover and off-road motorsport, when you choose Wildbear, you can rest assured you are in the best possible hands.

From fitting your vehicle with the best winch bumpers and offroad protection to some of the most desirable styling on the market, we’re here to do everything we can to ensure we exceed your expectations.

Your vision. Our manufacturing. Ultimate Land Rover style.

Use our star rating system to help you decide if you can fit yourself, need a mate, or need a mechanic.


Star Rating 1 So easy; you could do it after 10 beers.

Star Rating 2 Easy, but some lifting may be required.

Star Rating 3 Beginner, drilling, and some lifting may be required; you might also need a mate to hold the item in place.

Star Rating 4 Experienced, if you try to do this after 10 beers you may cause yourself a mischief, you might also need a mate to hold in place. May cause use of expletives.

Star Rating 5 Advanced, some drilling and cutting are required to fit this item, accuracy is needed; if you are not confident, ask a mechanic to do the work for you when you have a beer. Expletives are inevitable.